Friday, January 21, 2011

Melinda and Sarah Get Roped into Babysitting

Just so you all know, my blog website keeps switching the language into Bangla. Today I read it and figured out how to sign in without having to reset anything. Success! It's the small things that count.

Last Thursday, an important meeting was held in my city and everyone had to be there. Volunteers had come in to provide childcare for the event. Wednesday night, the volunteers got sick. So, guess who got a knock on their door at 7 am Thursday morning? ... If you guessed 'Sarah and Melinda', congratulations! You are correct! Sadly, there is no prize. We agreed to come around 10 am, after language class. As a rule, I like kids. But there are a LOT of kids in this city and babysitting from 10 - 2 was not exactly how I had planned to spend my day. There were 6 boys between 5 and 9 years old and one 2 year old girl. (That's not all of the kids, most of the older ones were in school.) Maybe 5 minutes after her mother left, the 2 year old became very aware that she was being babysat. She immediately set out to find her mother. The only problem was that she was going to wrong way. The meeting was held at the American Club and on one side of the campus, a preschool was having its sports day. Seeing other parents, the little girl incorrectly assumed her mother was over there too. I tried to convince her otherwise, but babysitters are not to be trusted and she ran away from me. I actually had to chase her down and carry her screaming away from where she thought her mom was. I'm sure I had absolutely convinced her that she would never see her family again. I imagine everyone within 20 miles was convinced of that fact too. As the poor child was being carried to certain doom, she finally lost control and had an accident.... in my arms... all over me... within the first 5 minutes of my day. I love kids. Upon delivering her to safety, I asked if anyone had extra clothes. The mother, understandably concerned for her daughter, replied that yes, she did have another outfit for her. No, no, I meant for me. Thank God, one of the other ladies had sweat pants and a jacket.

Later, a frog was discovered, dug up, and then rescued by Melinda from the boys who kept smashing it with a plastic sand shovel, because they said "frogs pee poison". Who teaches these kids science? One little boy got hit by a ball in a very sensitive spot, and later that same boy was told by someone that his family had gone home and left him. This, of course, was not true. His dad and sister had left, but his mom was still there. I would have taken him to his mom immediately, but of course Melinda had gone to the restroom and there were still 5 other kids who couldn't be left unattended. The second Melinda came back she took the distraught little boy inside and showed him his mom.

We were told that this meeting would be over at 2. At that time, we started telling the kids, who were repeatedly asking, that their parents would be there any minute. At 2:45, I was ready to escort all of them into the meeting. The children were beginning to doubt us. 

On the bright side, I got to see my uncle and he brought everyone marshmallows. Now the question is, should we eat them immediately or save them to make rice krispies treats later? Decisions.. Decisions...

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