Saturday, February 12, 2011

Melinda and Sarah Attempt to Live in their New Flat

February 12, 2011
Day 3 of crazy apartment situation. Still no internet. Things have improved since we got here on Thursday. Friday morning we went to visit our landlords. I cannot remember their names, but they seem to be a very nice couple. We told them about all the problems and they immediately started making phone calls. Apparently the building has its own plumber and electrician with whom we are rapidly becoming best friends. The electrician has been here 3 times today and it’s not even noon yet.  We did get foam for our beds. The plugs all work now so far and so does my toilet. Melinda’s handle still shoots water everywhere, but (hopefully) the plumber is in the process of repairing it. The exterminator is coming in about 2 hours.
Last night, I discovered that my shower head shoots water way off to the left, the water actually comes out of the side of the shower head instead of going down. And the water heater (aka geezer) doesn’t work. The landlords are going to buy both of them. The laundry machine is here but not hooked up yet. It’s a really good thing I had some extra clothes in the suitcase I left here when I went to language school, because everything else is dirty. I think we’ll be doing laundry for days when the machine gets set up.  I did find a broom yesterday. I have never been so excited about sweeping in my whole life. Now my feet don’t turn black when I walk around the apartment. Just a shade of light brown. And we got the rest of our luggage and plug adapters so I have a phone now. Yay!
P.S. You all should know that while writing this blog ‘I Will Survive’ by CAKE randomly started playing on I-tunes. It knows things…

1 comment:

  1. Is this the apartment you will be in for the next few years? I have some great advice about crummy places to live (aka my last house) so lets talk on FB chat sometime soon!
