Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ami am lagbe.

I suppose I should start with an explanation for my title. I will shortly be journeying to South Asia, and one of the few things I can say in the local language is "I want a mango." (The title of  today's post.) Also, it is really difficult for me to hide what I'm feeling, which means that, atleast for a while, I'll be wandering about looking completely lost and confused.  So, whilst (get used to random words like whilst, all those of you who read this) at dinner with some friends, we were joking about my inability to communicate and how nationals would respond to me. One possible option was this: "Did you see that tiny, confused, American girl? I gave her all my mangos."My friends laughed hysterically, and I laughed a little aprehensively... and I had my title.

I am super excited about mangos.  They are delicious.

Presently, I'm in Virginia training for my assignment. The first night I got here, it occured to me that I had moved out of my parents' house. I've been overseas before, but always with the expectation that eventually I would return home and everything would go back to the way it was. Not this time. I've graduated from college, I have a job for atleast the next 2 years, and then hopefully, I will continue to live on my own in the States. I have to admit, I feaked out a little. I know I'm weird. But I liked living at home with my parents and sisters. I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to change that. I guess I have to grow up sometime though. That is what I intend for my blog to be about. Not only my adventures in a new country, but also about me becoming an adult.

So... I hope that you enjoy following along in this whole process, should be interesting.


  1. you need to come sooner!! mango season is almost overrr! cant wait till yall get here!

  2. i love that you already know how to say this! hindi: mujhe am chahiye! get ready for the best mangos ever over here! :)
